
This is not your mother's oatmeal. Not if your mother made oatmeal from the old-fashioned rolled oats like mine did. Read our post for more info...
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2 tablespoons butter
1 cup steel cut oats (this is different than old-fashioned rolled oats…look at the label carefully to ensure you’re getting steel cut oats)
3+ cups boiling water
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup buttermilk
Toppings, as desired


  • In a large saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter and then add the oats.  While stirring, cook the oats until toasted and fragrant, about 2 minutes.  Add the boiling water, and reduce  the heat to low.  Simmer, uncovered and stirring occasionally for about 25 minutes.  (Note:  Add 3 cups of water to start.  The key to how much water to use is enough to allow the oats to simmer for about 25 minutes.  I have found that on some stoves and at lower altitudes, 3 cups is all I need.  However, at higher altitudes I need to add water part way through the simmer.  If the mixture has cooked down and there’s still time left on the timer, add a little water at a time.  If you need to add water, make sure it’s at simmering temperature so that the additional water doesn’t stop the cooking process.  You shouldn’t need more than 4 cups of water.  After 25 minutes, it should cook down to a thick consistency with all of the water absorbed.)
  • Combine the milk and buttermilk and add to the oatmeal.  Stir gently to combine and cook, over low heat, for an additional 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
  • Spoon into serving bowls and top with your favorite toppings.  Our favorites include cinnamon, brown sugar, granola, and fresh fruit.
Total time: 40 min | Prep: 5 min | Cook: 35 min

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